All survey pages have the same background and color theme. It is not possible to set a unique look for every single page separately. In order to be able to upload a background image, you need to upgrade to one of our paid plans.
1. Click the Brush icon on the right in the survey editor to get in the Design menu and choose any of your desired combination from the color palettes.
2. Find the UPLOAD IMAGE function at the bottom of the Design menu.
3. Search the image on your computer and wait for the upload.
4. If there is a problem with text readability, Survio will automatically apply darkening filters and sets contrast text colors. Dark image filter (overlay) and opacity can be changed in the very same image settings, underneath UPLOAD IMAGE function.
Tip 1:
The recommended background image file dimensions are 1600x1200px or 1600x900px.
The supported background image file formats are JPG and PNG.
The maximum image file size is 2 MB.
Tip 2: Always pay attention to the contrast of texts and backgrounds. If you have a dark background you should always select an inverse palette with white text and vice versa. The legibility of the questionnaire and its usability is more important than wild colors. Do not forget that the main goal of your survey is to collect as many answers as possible.